Thursday, March 5, 2009


Ok so I have been slacking a bit as it was pointed out to me..hahah! Well, Tyler had his surgery Monday and it went very well! He now has a new tongue as he likes to say. It was a very quick procedure,only about 10 minutes, and the recovery was about 45 minutes. I wish he would have woke up from the anesthesia a little better, but what can ya do?! He did not like his tongue being numb and every little thing annoyed him! When we got home he cried for about an hour straight before he finally passed out and then slept for like 5 hours! When he woke up he was a new little boy! He doesn't compain about it hurting.Every now and then he complains it hurts but it is short and brief.So, all in all it went very well and he has a "new tongue" to show for it!!!

On a more lighter note, I am now selling Mary Kay and I am super excited about it! I wanted something for myself that I enjoyed and could also make some extra money at. I am hoping that it will really take off and I will do well enough that when Tyler goes to school I won't have to go back to work. I really want to be here for my kids and be able to go to school functions and stay home with them when they are sick. So, send me some good karma my way!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Well, life is crazy aroud here as always! I decided to do a little party for the kids for Valentine's Day. They were so excited! All day long it was," time for cake' or "party time".. It was so cute.. When it finally did come time for them to have their party they were ready! We had cupcakes,cookies,brownies and each child got a goodie bag with lots of goodies from everyone and a balloon. It's funny when you step back and take a look at your life from the view looking in, how good things really are. Never in a million years would I think I would be blessed with such wonderful kids. To top it off, I have really great friends and family.So, this Valentine's Day, I am going to really hug my kids and husband and let them know how much I love them! Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's with the special people in your lives!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Train ride and Park

Hello everyone! We took Tyler and Nathan to ride the train today with Mimi and PaPa,Matt,Brandy and Emma. He had such a good time! He just sat there the whole time taking in his surroundings and enjoying the train ride. We went to the little train depot in Fort Worth just by the FW Zoo. Nothing to extravagent but Tyler did not seem to mind at all! He is absoultely in love with trains! When Mimi called this morning and asked if we wanted to go he of course did and then we of course had to find his Thomas shirt for him to wear.He is so funny.He is really starting to be quite the independent little fellow.He likes to pick his shirts now,which seem to be between the 3 Thomas shirts he has.I don't care though,we all have our favorite things we like to wear and he knows what he wants! I am just amazed how fast the time really goes.I can not believe he will be turning 3 in just a matter of months!Where does the time go? Well, after we rode the train we decided to go to the park and play,which let me tell you he absolutely loves! He loves to swing and he tells you "go fast".He likes for us to push him really high.Nathan liked riding the merry go round fast,which I can not do anymore it makes me too dizzy! When it came time to go Tyler did not want to go! I had to chase him around and trick him to finally get him outta there! All in all we had a really good time and love doing things with the kids.Too bad Dillon wasn't there to complete the family event,but we had a good time nonetheless. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures we had to take from my camera phone because I forgot my camera..oops.!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tyler sick

Well, we have had a pretty eventful weekend. Tyler began getting sick on Friday of last week,just acting a little whiney.. Saturday Eric took him to Chuck E Cheese where he hardly played at all, which is just not Tyler. So we figured he was just getting the typical cold that has been floating around here for about a week or so.But, he did not eat at all Sat except for a cracker.
When he went with Eric to Pauls house to play with Emma he didn't want to play or eat. That night he began running a fever and Eric and I almost took him in to the ER that night,but he crashed about 11:30 and was sleeping so sound we didn't want to wake him.Well, the next day he woke up acting a little better,still running a fever and not eating but generally acting better.He took a nap woke up from nap with a 103.7 fever and I took him to the ER like 20 minutes later.Well come to find out he has pneumonia! So, we have been doing breathing treatments,antibiotics and lots and lots of pedialyte to keep him hydrated since he was dehydrated as well. So, hopefully by the end of this week we will be getting back to normal and Tyler feeling much better. Wish us luck! We could all use some sleep around here!

Our new blog

Ok, I have decided to start a family blog so everyone can keep up with the crazy life of the Cotter's! I am going to do my best to at least monthly posts, but if something exciting happens or just want to share I will definately do so! Hope you guys enjoy!